Agents of Change: 3 Examples of Continuous Improvement in Math Classrooms

During the April 2024 Network Convening, three schools were highlighted in video vignettes called, “Agents of Change.” The school design teams from George Washington High School, John F. Kennedy High School, Gilliam Youth Facility, and Vista Academy shared what they have been learning about increasing meaningful academic discourse within the math classroom.

George Washington High School - The team at GW is larger than most in the network and works in both Math 1 and Math 2. Dr. Joseph Bolz and Lisa Lutz explain how they have been able to use continuous improvement across multiple content levels to make impact within their school.

John F. Kennedy High School - The school design team at JFK works very well together. Facilitation lead, Merlinda Maldonado, equates it to “iron sharpening iron.” Watch below to see how this collaboration has begun to impact the student experience within Math 1 classrooms. Students have been normalizing error within the classroom through learning from mistakes. The teachers and students at JFK share their experience with testing these change ideas.

Gilliam Youth Facility & Vista Academy - Not all teaching is the same. Melody Coye (Gilliam) and Jorge Sua (Vista) share how they have worked with students with complex needs. Their dedication to the continuous improvement process in the face of challenges proves that there is an opportunity for this type of learning to occur in all contexts.


Spring 2024 Recap


Winter Academics Discussion Survey 23-24